Saturday, May 22, 2010

TTAP Method with Finnish children is explored over the week.

Over the course of the week, some students utilized the TTAP Method VERY successfully with children

Monday, May 17, 2010

As we all arrive to come together!

Suitcases in Hand as they come together to study...

THe first days in Finland

Here we are finding ourselves and the rest of us who come together to learn in a wonderful international opportunity in Finland!

Friday, May 14, 2010

American Sudents arrive in Finland to attend International Summer School of Art and Wellbeing and get TTAP Certification Training

Students from the United States begin to arrive for the 8th Annual International School held in the University of Applied Sciences in Finland.

Below are two movie clips depicting the "Finnish Experiences" from a grocery store perspective.

Candy is Candy in every country, and it is one of the first stops in the store!

Just arrived in Finland- 8th published study proves TTAP effective

"We're every self-artist": Therapeutic thematic arts, utilizing a pilot program for nursing home care- rehabilitation
Author: Hanski, Laura
Kohola, Kaisu

Year: 2009
Organization: Seinäjoki Polytechnic

License: All rights reserved

Abstract: Dementia homes often lack the everyday activities that bring residents and stimulating days of rehabilitation. The aim was to exploit the thematic arts program (TTAP) pilot nursing home care days and observing its effects. TTAP method is based on the goal-oriented activities, guided by a certain theme. It draws on a variety of art and ways of functioning.

The experiment took place as part of the development DEMKE - the project is aimed at people with dementia quality of life and welfare development. The goal was the consolidation of creative activities into everyday life in the nursing home. Another purpose was to provide residents, families and staff of new sensations and experiences.

The experiment took place as cooperative development as development. Functional groups met five times. Was utilized in the development of observation, interviews and memos, which are directed activity. Furthermore, the group sessions we used in the benefit of photography. Data were analyzed using content analysis and by making material impact issues.

Theme chosen for the experiment of nature. Functional groups were used in music, painting, modeling, taste and smell senses as well as physical activity. Arts, utilizing the method was felt to be sensible and appropriate nursing home might be placed. The experiment indicated that create methods are well suited for people with dementia. TTAP method works herättelijänä memories and images. At the same time it activates the brain regions and to give practice cognitive functions. The aim was to instil into the action at the nursing home culture and to get the parties to participate and even control the ryhmätuokioita. Creativity can be found in each, it is required to use only their own enthusiasm and willingness.

Keywords: TTAP method, creative actions, senses, residents of dementia

Activities for the residents are often missing in Retirement homes. The goal of this was thesis Thurs try Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming at the nursing home cat-dated and how it affects Observ the residents. The TTAP method is based on goal-directed action, it is a creative program on.

Present This work is part of DEMKE-project, whose AIM is Develop quality of life for the Demented Elderly. Our priority was Thurs Establish creative activities on as a part of nursing home `s week. Our function was Thurs offer Experiences Thurs Elderly, staff and close relatives. Thesis actualized as co-operative Development. Activity groups ™ for five times. We Used observation, interviews, memos and photographing. Research materials analysis Considered TTAP method `s Effects.

Our theme was nature. When the group ™ for activity, while we listened to music, painted, made sculptures, vegetables tasted, smelled Scents and exercised. TTAP method was found out to Be sensible and it suited the nursing home well. Creative programfiles is a good fit for Demented people. The Program activates arouses memories and images. Is at the same time it activates brain Functions and Exercise gives Thurs cognitive skills.

One function was to get close relatives participate in creative activities on and get Them Even Thurs guide group moments. Everyone has creativity, you only need dependency enthu-siasm and willingness-to-use it. go to:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

TTAP Method Featured at the Society on Arts in Healthcare, April 28- May 1, 2010

The TTAP Method was featured at the Washington State Alzheimer's Conference in Seattle on April 17, 2010.

Two different sessions were given to the participating conference attendees- The first session designed for Therapists and Health care employees illustrated how the structured 9 step process enhances socialization by naturally increasing opportunities for reminiscing about memories which are not forgotten in the first two stages of the disease process (which has been proven in 8 published studies). Participants learned about the CCEDERS ™ approach which stands for the 6 remaining strengths the person diagnosed with AD still has : Communication abilities, desires to Connect to others, wants to Express themselves, can Recall and Self express through the creative arts.

The second session was designed for family members and caregivers, there is a new publication the TTAP Method for Caregivers, which has sold out in the first publication. Caregivers learned how to utilize household items and other objects of significant interest to stimulate conversation, thus keeping the person mentally active and engaged which has been researched to be imperative for continued cognitive reserve. The featured movie clip illustrates how participants learn to share memories long forgotten through the TTAP Method.