Monday, January 31, 2011

Alli's Internship Day 22

Today was a good day at my internship. I was on 3rd floor geriatrics/young adults/rehab and I had a great time. They geriatrics are my favorite floors. Every morning starts off with a coffee social it gives the residents time to interact with one another and time to relax with friends while watching the "Today Show" and it gives us time to prep for the mornings activities. Today we did current events, this help them understand and know what is going on in the world and the weather too. Many of the residents love hearing about the weather and the snow storms that are coming. There was a story in today's paper about how a Kohl's department store was in danger of there whole roof collapsing due to the excessive snow on top, and with more to come it is a big worry. They love being knowledgeable about what is going on it gives them a sense of the outside world. After that we set up bowling for them. This bowling though, was for a table top and the pins were small and there was a round small ball that you use to throw down and knock over the pins. They use this one because there are many people in wheelchairs that can play this way and everyone really enjoys it. Its and even game for everyone wheelchair or not. The residents love bowling and there was a line to play it had a very good outcome and is one of the more popular games. We also had music playing during bowling and they sang along it was great. After that we set up for lunch and we put on "The Price is Right" that is one of their all time favorite shows. They bid as if they were there it's great. Setting up for lunch is not always easy, everyone has a assigned seat but that is the easy part the other part is the drinks and food. You have to be very careful about who gets what because there are all different types of dietary needs. Today was a successful day and when I left for lunch everyone had a smile on their face and that's all that really matters. Some of them are very alert and know that they are stuck there until they pass so anything to make them feel better or make their day is totally worth it. Hopefully the snow won't mess up my hours this week!

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