Monday, August 2, 2010

Back to blogging in September, enjoy the summer!

The TTAP Method(R) website is currently undergoing lots of changes and additions. The US goverment approved both a registration and trademark for Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming (TM), TTAP Method (R) and with 8 international efficacy research studies published, the TTAP Method(R) is now approved to applying for patient pending status in 2010.

There are over 10 new educational movies, featuring all the 9 steps of the TTAP Method(R) process great for teaching and observation of clinical practice. Over 10 educational lectures, from webinares over the past 12 months with ceu's available through national organizations.

I will be taking the next few weeks off as my first grandchild is soon to be born, so have a great august and look for upcoming events and new website at on September 1, 2010.


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