The group of indiviuals is being lead by a student in a TTAP Method Session. This session is dance and movement. Participants are listening to old music of the 3o's and 40's, while singing and dancing. This session lasted 2 hours!
Sharing of deep emotional expereinces such as a dance and movement program creates positive memories that hold significant meanings- this type of intercention has been linked to enhanced communication, coordination and self esteem (LaBar & Cabeza, 2006; Furnham & Chamorropremuzic,2004; Chamorro,2005).
The individuals in group takes over the significant roles and relationships found in original family structure (Yalom,1995 & Pusker,2008).These particiapnts living in a locked unit relay on each other as "the family".
Neuro-developmental Sequencing through MOVEMENT AND DANCE thus using gross body movements has been found to have a positive effect on emotions, and behaviors in those diagnosed with AD (Buettner, 2006 & Perry, 2009).
The repetition of safe physical behaviors within the art group has been documented to increase cell growth, in the hippocampus region and enhance overall feelings of well-being (Perry, 2006). The TTAP Method is done daily with these individuals and has been documented to have increased psychological wellbeing (levine Madori,2009)
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